
If you have been on one of our unique donkey walks or supported us, we are always happy to hear about your personal experience. Please leave your feedback using the form below.


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Comments: 49
  • #49

    Sonja Vanderhaegen (Tuesday, 29 September 2020 19:36)

    I supported you a bit from Belgium when the fires took place.
    Still wish you all the best! �

  • #48

    Rodrigo Seabra (Wednesday, 02 September 2020 22:56)

    It has been absolutely a great experience Robert. Your care, attention and respect for the animals is amazing and to admire. Thank you for making a great experience for the kids and for us with the nice walk, conversation and love!

  • #47

    Vivi&Jörg (Monday, 13 January 2020 21:57)

    Bom dia,
    nachdem wir über Robert und seine Situation nach dem Waldbrand 2018 viel gelesen hatten, haben wir gestern endlich die Halbtagswanderung gemacht.
    Die Terminabsprache im Vorfeld war völlig unkompliziert. Robert ist wirklich ein "Netter" !
    Unsere Vorfreude auf die Wanderung war riesengroß und wir wurden absolut nicht enttäuscht.
    Wir sind sogar richtig begeistert und können die Wanderung mit Robert und seinem Team nur dringend empfehlen �
    Bei angenehmen 18°C und blauem Himmel hatten wir bestes Wetter, um die Natur und die lieben Esel zu genießen.
    Robert hat sehr viel Fachwissen über seine Tiere und man spürt seine tiefe Verbundenheit zu ihnen.
    Die Gespräche mit ihm während der Wanderung waren sehr interessant und kurzweilig.
    Dieses tolle Erlebnis wird für uns nicht einmalig bleiben. Ein echtes Highlight!
    Wir werden unseren Freunden und Bekannten, die uns hier besuchen werden, davon berichten und die Wanderung mit ins Programm aufnehmen��
    Jeder Esel auf dieser Welt hätte einen "Eselvater" wie Robert verdient�


  • #46

    Karim & Sonja (Monday, 30 September 2019 20:27)

    Lieber Robert,
    es war eine wunderbare Erfahrung mit Dir und den freien Eseln durch die Monchique zu wandern. Wir erinnern uns immer noch gern daran und die Fotos machen uns so viel Freude! Wir hoffen, dass Ihr bald einen Ort findet, an dem ihr dann zu Hause sein könnt!
    Wir wünschen Dir und den Eseln alles Gute und freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen!

  • #45

    Karen und Markus (Tuesday, 17 September 2019 20:43)

    Vielen Dank Robert, für eine wunderbare Wanderung mit Dir und Deiner Eselfamilie. Du hast uns diese schönen andalusischen Tiere näher gebracht. Wir haben eine Menge über Dich und Deinen Werdegang erfahren dürfen, die besondere Athmosphäre klingt auch drei Tage nach der Tour noch nach.
    Wir werden weiterhin , Deinen Weg , wenn auch aus der Ferne begleiten.
    Wir wünschen Dir und Deinen Eseln von Herzen alles Gute.
    Karen und markus

  • #44

    Kerry and Lucy (Monday, 16 September 2019 14:52)

    Really enjoyed our walk with you and your donkey family yesterday. It was so tranquil and lovely to learn more about the landscape and hear your thoughts on the changing environment. Full of admiration for what you have achieved and wish you well

  • #43

    Heike (Saturday, 07 September 2019 22:52)

    Eine sehr sehr schöne Webseite. Sie lädt dazu ein, Robert und seine Esel zu besuchen. Wir werden das sicher bei unserem nächsten Algarve Urlaub tun. Viel Erfolg weiter mit deinem Leben Robert mit den Eseln in der Natur!

  • #42

    Cathy & Nancy (Saturday, 20 April 2019 08:42)

    Robert, Claudia and Donkeys,
    We so enjoyed our time together in the mountains. Hanging out under the tree in the rain and thunder was very special. May you all thrive together there in your peaceful place and regenerate along with the forest as you love! The donkeys truly are healing in many ways..and fun too!

  • #41

    Edwina (Wednesday, 03 April 2019 21:40)

    We had a lovely time on our donkey walk today and our daughter adored all the donkeys and riding Lucia who was very patient.
    What an amazing, beautiful morning!
    Thank you & looking forward to seeing you again in July.

  • #40

    Julia (Thursday, 14 March 2019 22:58)

    We went on a wonderful 3 hour walk today with Robert, Claudia and five donkeys. The animals are very friendly and could roam freely around us during the walk. Robert told us lots of interesting things about his life with the donkeys and about the nature and landscape around us. We enjoyed great views all the way to the coast and lots of donkey-pets.
    We can absolutely recommend this tour!

  • #39

    Tanja (Friday, 04 January 2019 12:39)

    Wir hatten eine wundervolle Wanderung mit Robert und seinen Eseln.
    Es ist toll zu sehen, dass es ein Projekt gibt wo Esel in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung leben können und es ihnen gut geht. Es war eine ganz besondere Erfahrung mit den Eseln zu wandern, während diese frei herum liefen. Die Esel sind sehr zutraulich und es macht Freude ihnen zuzusehen. Man hat die Esel sofort ins Herz geschlossen :) Auch die Geschichte von Robert und wie er zu den Eseln kam ist sehr interessant und regt einen zum Nachdenken über seine eigenen Ziele und Wünsche an.

    Wir wünschen dir lieber Robert, dass du weiter deinen Traum mit den Eseln verfolgst und einen passenden Platz für dich und deine Esel findest! Vielen Dank für die tolle Zeit bei dir.

  • #38

    André und Sue Schmitt (Monday, 24 September 2018 15:46)

    Danke Robert für den wunderschönen Morgen mit dir und deinen süßen Vielfraß-Eseln! ;-)
    So liebe und zutrauliche Tiere- es war schön mehr über sie zu lernen und sie live in Action zu erleben. Das kombiniert mit einer wunderschönen Umgebung und vor allem mit einem interessanten, herzensguten Gesprächspartner wie dir hat unseren Morgen wirklich perfekt gemacht!! Wir hoffen sehr, dass wir in Kontakt bleiben können - auf jeden Fall sind wir gespannt wo es dich mit deinen Eseln noch hinverschlägt und wohin deine Reise führt.
    Vielen Dank für alles und alles Gute!!!
    André und Sue

  • #37

    Andreas & Daniela Becker (Sunday, 12 August 2018 16:39)

    Wir erinnern uns immer noch sehr gut und mit viel Freude an die Wanderung mit dir Robert und deinen 5 Langohren im September 2017. Es war eines der faszinierendsten Erlebnisse unserer Algarve-Reise und ist wirklich jedem wärmstens zu empfehlen. Nach unserem Urlaub haben wir das Happy Donkeys Projekt via Facebook verfolgt und von dem Feuer erfahren. Hoffentlich hilft unsere kleine Spende dir nach dieser Tragödie zumindest ein wenig auf die Beine, damit du diese einzigartigen Wanderungen weiterhin anbieten kannst.
    Liebe Grüße und viel Glück

  • #36

    Ella & Chris (Monday, 06 August 2018 09:10)

    Die Wanderung mit Robert und den Eseln war für meine Freundin und mich das Highlight unseres Portugalurlaubes! Dank der freundlichen und verspielten Natur der Esel und der Herzlichleit Roberts, war es einmaliges Erlebnis.
    Robert kann sehr viel über die wunderschöne Gegend als auch die Esel erzählen und man merkt, dass er sehr viel Respekt vor den Tieren hat und mit Ihnen einen tollen Umgang pflegt!
    Eine absolute Empfehlung für ein faszinierendes Erlebnis.

  • #35

    Kathrin (Thursday, 07 June 2018 22:41)

    Vielen lieben Dank Robert für dieses einmalige Erlebnis heute nachmittag! Den Mädels und uns hat es sehr gut gefallen. Insbesondere, dass du uns so individuell und privat 2h mit deinen Eseln die Gegend gezeigt und uns interessante Geschichten erzählt hast. Wir trinken nun leckeres Wasser mit Zitronenverbene ;-). Vielen Dank und weiterhin alles gute für dich.

    P.S.: Eine Visitenkarte haben wir direkt heute noch an andere Gäste mit der wärmsten Empfehlung weiter gegeben! ;-)

  • #34

    Helen and Mike Hedger (Monday, 21 May 2018 11:44)

    Walking with Robert and Claudia and the 5 wonderful donkeys was a dream come true, a truly unique experience. It is rare to witness donkeys in a natural habitat, doing what they choose to do, grazing, walking and playing. They interact with you throughout the walk, and then get on with what they like to do. The hills around the Sanctuary are stunning, with amazing views down to the coast, certainly one of the most beautiful areas of the Algarve, and easily accessible from the A22 motorway. Robert is also cultivating an amazing organic garden in the terraced hillside, and if you are lucky you may get a few lemons to take home, they taste of pure sunshine.
    Make some amazing memories with Robert, Claudia and the donkeys.

  • #33

    Anna (Thursday, 22 March 2018 09:06)

    Ich habe die Wanderung Ende Januar gemacht und es war absolut der Highlight vom meinen Portugal Trip. Die Esel sind unglaublich und die Wanderung macht sehr viel Spaß. Es ist eine super Gelegenheit mit der Natur von Monchique Gebirge in Kontakt zu kommen und die Tiere in ihrer natürlicher Umgebung zu beobachten.
    Robert ist dabei ein super Guide, der sehr viel Wissen über die Tiere und Pflanzen hat.
    Eine tolle Erfahrung die absolut einmalig ist und ich jedem empfehlen kann.
    Außer wunderschöne Ausblicke gab es noch zusätzlich leckeres Essen:-).
    LG, Anna

  • #32

    Sarah & Friends (Tuesday, 27 February 2018 19:43)

    What an amazing and unique experience! Beautiful scenery in the Portuguese hilltops. We walked for about an hour and even with the rain, we all thoroughly enjoyed it. I've been to other 'sanctuaries' where the animals were not treated well, but not this place. Robert loves and cares so deeply about all 5 of his donkeys, you can tell. He's passionate and has much respect for them.

  • #31

    Linda & Kelly Lunn (Monday, 15 January 2018 18:43)

    We had a wonder experience last week on a three hour walk with Robert and his donkeys. The countryside and rolling hills are so peaceful and beautiful. The donkeys were like pets, following or leading but seldom going too far from the carob treats Robert carried. Their calm demeanor and playful moments made this walk so memorable. We highly recommend this walk to anyone who enjoys nature and exercise.

  • #30

    Suzanne Breeze (Monday, 06 November 2017 17:43)

    Our family enjoyed a lovely 1 hour walk with Robert and the donkeys, its an amazing setting and the donkeys are gorgeous, such a lovely feeling being able to walk with them. Robert is a great guy and very knowledgeable, a perfect guide. We will definately be back

  • #29

    H&M (Saturday, 21 October 2017 18:50)

    Thanks for a very unique experience with your lovely donkeys, Robert.
    We particularly enjoyed the beautiful scenery, chatting with you, learning about foraging cactus fruit etc and of course bonding with the donkeys. We really enjoyed ourselves on the half day walk and would recommend it to all nature and donkey lovers. H&M :-)

  • #28

    Ray Woods (Wednesday, 11 October 2017 18:45)

    Hi Robert we all had a lovely time today on the walk with the Donkeys. We would recommend this to everyone and anyone with interest in hearing about the habitat and the experiences of Robert and the Donkeys. We will be back!

  • #27

    Nick, Mirjam, Emma und Paula (Friday, 16 June 2017 19:25)

    Lieber Robert,

    der Besuch bei dir und deiner Eselfamilie war mehr als lohneswert. Nicht nur unsere Töchter (5 und 3 Jahre alt) haben die Zeit mit dir und deiner Eselfamilie genossen. Auch wir hatten einen wirklich schönen Vormittag, da du neben deinem Wissen über Natur, Landwirtschaft und die Eselhaltung einfach ein sehr interessanter Gesprächpartner bist und das Herz am rechten Fleck trägst! Es war sehr schön dich kennengelernt zu haben. Wir wünschen dir alles Gute für die Zukunft und würden uns sehr freuen, wenn sich unsere Wege mal wieder kreuzen sollten.:)

  • #26

    Marco und Stefanie mit Kindern (Saturday, 18 March 2017 23:05)

    Lieber Robert, vielen Dank für den schönen Ausflug mit Deiner Eselfamilie. Es ist wirklich beeindruckend wie Du mit den Tieren im Einklang lebst. Für uns war es ein wundervoller Einblick in das Eselleben, zumal sie DAS Lieblingstier unserer kleinen Tochter sind. Ein Besuch bei Dir ist also auch für kleinere tierliebe Kinder (unsere waren zu dem Zeitpunkt 2 und 4) sehr empfehlenswert. Besonders der Ausritt :) Über die Lebensweise, Ernährung und heimische Pflanzen haben wir einiges dazugelernt.
    Mit dem Mietwagen haben wir alles gut gefunden.
    Wir reden regelmäßig über den Besuch der Eselfamilie und kommen bei unserem nächsten Besuch der Algarve gerne wieder bei Euch vorbei.
    Alles Gute für Dich und Euch

  • #25

    Sinead OSullivan (Wednesday, 01 February 2017 23:37)

    We had a really lovely time today with Robert and his donkeys. Our 3 year olds had fun riding the two adult donkeys and the baby donkeys ran free up and down the roads with us. It was a really wonderful experience, followed by a few oranges from Roberts grove. A really great place to bring your small kids, while the adults can enjoy breathtaking scenery and great company.

  • #24

    Diana and Rebecca (Saturday, 28 January 2017 15:47)

    Fantastic afternoon with Robert and his donkeys walking in the beautiful hills surrounding Monchique. Learnt a great deal about the area, vegetation and tips for local land cultivation. Would highly recommend the experience and hope to visit again. Many thanks.

  • #23

    Rainer (Friday, 30 December 2016 16:54)

    Lieber Robert,
    herzliche Grüße und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr

  • #22

    Reiner, Elisabeth and Jonny (Thursday, 29 December 2016 11:46)

    Einer unserer entspanntesten Urlaubstage, wunderschöne Wanderung, traumschönes Picknick, Bachwanderung mit Wasserschildkrötensuche und dem vermutlich nettesten Eselsführer der Welt! Auf jeden Fall der kompetenteste: Robert kennt jeden Strauch und jedes Kraut. Die Esel sind einfach nur reizend, die Jüngeren laufen frei vorneweg um hinterdrein, ganz wie es ihnen einfällt. Die anderen beiden werden geführt - das hat uns große Freude bereitet, war aber auch eine echte Herausforderung. Roberts Esel sind nicht stur, aber hartnäckig und eigenwillig, schöne Wesen eben.

  • #21

    Wolfgang, Hildegard, Jasmine and Georg (Thursday, 11 August 2016 09:30)

    Hello Robert, it was a great pleasure for all of us to do the walk down to the river with you and your donkeys. We are impressed how you live with your donkeys and how nice they behave, you all are really happy. The time at the river was stunning, we have seen so much there and your wild herb tour was very intresting. We enjoyed the time very much. Of course the highlight for our children was the ride on the donkeys. We wish you success with your project and stay in contact. Best wishes, Wolfgang, Hildegard, Jasmine and Georg from Frankfurt

  • #20

    Monica (Monday, 11 July 2016 10:04)

    We had a wonderful morning with Robert and the beautiful family of donkeys! We experienced a very peaceful walk with the donkeys in the nature, learning about the local plants and crossing small rivers where we refreshed ourselves. I wish all the best to this project and recommend it to anyone who would like to connect with this amazing animals and the beautiful nature!

  • #19

    Nadine and Luis (Wednesday, 22 June 2016 14:10)

    We had the most unforgettable day hiking with Robert and his five donkeys through the breathtakingly beautiful mountains and valleys of Monchique. It was a unique experience that we hope many people are be able to enjoy one day.
    Robert showed us a landscape of outstanding natural beauty, lush vegetation and crystal clear rivers, which we would probably never have discovered for ourselves.
    His donkeys were absolutely wonderful travel companions, carrying our rugs and picnic hampers and providing us with many fun-filled moments along the way. They are truly extraordinary animals, so gentle and playful at the same time.
    Robert is a superb guide and has a strong bond with his animals and with nature on the whole. We have a lot to learn from him and wish him all the best of luck and support from good people to set up his unique project here in Portugal.

  • #18

    Claudia (Wednesday, 13 April 2016 03:41)

    Meeting Robert and his family donkeys touched my heart and enriched my life !!! We have since become very close friends. We met soon after he and his five donkeys arrived in Monchique. After reading his story in the local newspaper, I wanted to meet him , and it so happened that on that same day we were both in the local coffe shop and ended up meeting. Robert came across as a very likable and genuine person and we conected straight away. I invited him for lunch at my house with his 5 donkeys to meet my family. We all fell in love with the donkeys and ended up offering accomodation for the "whole Family" ! They have been living with us for 4 months now , and during this time we learned a lot about donkeys and daily witness the love and dedication Robert has for them. His whole life revolves around the wellbeing of his four legged family ! Robert has very few possessions and not a regular income, and all the money he has goes to feed and maintain his donkeys in good health. He would rather go hungry himself than let the donkeys lack anything. There is an incredible bond between them. Robert is a man of hidden talents, though at the moment he relies on donations to keep his family together. It is very costly to maintain them. We help in any way we can. Robert is looking for a good size plot of land, where the donkeys can run freely and be happy. Hopefully he will find enough good people who will help him achieve his dream to set up a Donkey Sactuary, where he also intends to help people in need, offering them equines therapies.
    I will always do my best Robert, to support you in whatever you need !
    Good luck !!!

  • #17

    Thomas (Tuesday, 15 March 2016 11:24)

    We met Robert in Monchique and strait away you realize what a gentle and kind character he is.
    We were invited to a wild mushroom walk and spent a wonderfull day with the beautiful donkeys. Those donkeys are very blessed to have found Robert and he no doubt is the best man for the job, he loves them very much and the donkeys show this through their happiness and vibrance, you can tell they are very well looked after. Donkeys are rare to find and are not cheap to maintain, and its nice to see that many people are supporting him with much appreciated and needed donations. Robert will always be welcomed wherever he goes as people will quickly see how genuine he is. We wish you all the best Robert and may you and the donkeys have a wonderful, unforgettable trip wherever life takes you!!

  • #16

    Terry Emmett (Sunday, 06 September 2015 12:47)

    Hi Robert. We met at La Fabrica de la Luz just outside Canillas de Albaida in August this year (2015). Annie and I had the pleasure of meeting you and also helping you take your donkeys into Canillas in your search for hay. It was a great day and one that we will always remember. Take care and keep in touch. I will help you keep your site updated if you wish and if I can. Having said that , it looks pretty good to me. Good luck with your mission! My email is

  • #15

    Eva (Friday, 04 September 2015 22:45)

    Robert realiza un bellísimo trabajo de cuidado y amor hacia sus lindos burros y, algo muy importante, de acercamiento entre las personas y los animales. Su vida de nómada muestra la verdadera simbiosis con la naturaleza y el desapego al materialismo.
    Te deseo que continúes feliz en tu camino, junto a tus burros.
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  • #14

    Anthony Lepage (Thursday, 20 August 2015 01:29)

    Had a nice talk with Robert out side my house in Frigiliana, what a amazing man he is and he has a very warm heart. I liked very much listening, when he tould me about some of his life, and places he has been to togeather with his donkeys. You have inspired me very much Robert. Hope the Best for you

  • #13

    Jeffrey Spangenberg (Wednesday, 19 August 2015 00:13)

    Sometimes you meet people who are able to move you. Robert is one of them. Robert made me aware of the exceptional symbolic nature of the donkey. A "misformed" horse, with an amazing track record. Jezus, Nietzsche and the dutch famous writer Gerard Reve all reckonized the special meaning of the donkey. The same can be said of people who take care of these special creatures. Just like his predecessors he is now expelled form the village Frigillina, sent away because he does not fit in. History repeats itself over and over again. Let us learn from these lessons and support Robert in his battle for a good future for donkeys in particular and for an better future for us all in general.

  • #12

    ranwo (Tuesday, 18 August 2015 21:05)

    Conozco a Robert desde hace poco, pero puedo asegurar que su compromiso con la naturaleza y la vida es innegable
    Todo mi apoyo Robert y mucha fuerza!!!

  • #11

    Jesús (Saturday, 15 August 2015 14:33)

    Hola, Roberto.
    Sirvan estas lineas para mostrar nuestro apoyo, el mío (el arriero) y el de mis burros, para ti y tus burros.
    Os deseamos mucha suerte en todos vuestros proyectos y no te preocupes por nada, al final todo os saldrá bien y encontraréis vuestro sitio en el mundo :)
    Y ya sabes, "arrieros somos y en el camino nos encontraremos..."

  • #10

    Larra Z Young (Saturday, 15 August 2015 10:35)

    Dear Robert,

    Meeting you in May while on our way to Rio Borosa was fate. Capturing you and Cameron was a pleasure. The smile that you have and the smile that you put on other faces that encounter you and your beloved donkeys are a priceless gift. Not many people ) especially the young ones) will choose to do what you are doing. May God bless you and ease your efforts in taking care of the donkeys and in being with nature. I wish you all the success. See you in Portugal! :)

    Larra -Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  • #9

    Margaret Batt, Nerja (Friday, 14 August 2015 12:04)

    On Friday 7th August I took my granddaughter age six on the bus from Nerja to Frigiliana for a spcial day out.
    We walked down to the river bed and were spellbound by such a gorge just minutes away from the town. Then we walked the narrow streets and were equally spellbound. And what’s more, in every shop and restaurant we were greeted with nothing but kindness. So, we were indeed, having a special day.
    Then we met Robert and his donkey. This proved to be the highlight of our day. So much so that when I returned to Nerja that evening I began to make arrangements to return to Frigiliana on another day with all three of my grandchildren. I was so disappointed to discover that the donkey had been moved on.
    What is the Townhall thinking of? They have done such a wonderful job of restoring this historic and beautiful Pueblo and now to ban a donkey from the centre of it……….Where would Frigiliana be without its donkeys? Surely they are part and parcel of its fabric and culture. And this donkey, Camaron, is what I would call “people friendly”. My granddaughter was able to connect to it in an amazing way. Robert too was kind and caring. On that day I felt that the pair was a big, big addition to the heart and soul of Frigiliana and our experience of it.
    Hopefully the town hall will take the advantage of this opportunity and put in place whatever paperwork that is needed to keep this donkey there.

  • #8

    Leo Ghysels y Ria Apers (Friday, 14 August 2015 08:40)

    Hola Roberto, nos conocemos ya desde hace un par de años cuando llegaste por primera vez en la Sierra de Las Villas. Y fue un placer conocer a ti y a tus burros. Nos gusta tu preocupacion para el bienestar de los burros y nos llena el corazon cuando vemos el amor con lo que cuides a estos animales.
    Eres una persona muy valiente porque la manera de vida que has elegido es nada de facil pero si lleno de aventuras, acontecimientos y en tu camino encuentas con todo tipo de personas, casi siempre buenas, pero de vez en cuando alguna persona o instancia no tan buena.
    Te deseamos mucho suerte.
    Abrazos de Leo y Ria desde la Sierra de las Villas

  • #7

    Herbert Masterson (Thursday, 13 August 2015 13:35)

    We met Robert and his Donkeys as we approached the Rio Borosa in May. We waited on our side of a bridge while he and the donkeys crossed. We have since followed his travels on facebook, and. just as it was our experience, chancing upon them seems to brighten the day of nearly everyone whom he encounters. He is setting out on a brave mission, the odd encounter with landowners that do not welcome him makes it imperative that he finds the base that will provide for the donkeys. I wish him all the best and trust that he will receive the necessary support to achieve his ambitions.

  • #6

    Rebecca Dunn and family (Wednesday, 12 August 2015 19:53)

    We met Robert and his donkeys one morning when he politely asked if we might spare some water for the donkeys. Intrigued, of course we said 'yes'. Robert brought the donkeys over and introduced them and told myself and my 4 children all about his life and mission with the donkeys. The donkeys are well cared for and are part of Robert's family. We love his mission and will support you any way we can. Please keep up your great work. Hopefully we will catch up soon! Thank you again for the time you took to introduce your donkeys to the children, they tell everyone about you! X

  • #5

    Lyndsay & Tom Sherwin (Wednesday, 12 August 2015 13:07)

    Robert is doing such fantastic work! We were blessed to have met him and Cameron on our last night in Frigaliana and his determination to achieve something good for a beautiful animal is wonderful. We hope to see you again and will support you in your work as much as we can.


  • #4

    Laila T. (Wednesday, 12 August 2015 11:10)

    Awesome donkeys, awesome guy. Keep on doing awesome! Too bad i missed the donkey ride.
    So, hopefully we meet again in Portugal.
    PS. If you need any help in translating something german-portugese write me!

  • #3

    Robert Gribben (Wednesday, 12 August 2015 10:42)

    I first encountered Robert this year when I was walking in Guijar Sierra. He came across as a very kind and sincere person dedicated to the welfare of donkeys. I already donate regularly to El Refugio de Burros Donkey Sancuary near Malaga who look after neglected donkeys. So It gives me great pleasure and satisfaction to recommend him as I was very impressed by Roberts dedication to improving the lives of Donkeys who are so often abused, and the donkeys in his care are well looked after. I hope he manages to continue with this great work. Robert Gribben

  • #2

    Emilie (Wednesday, 12 August 2015 10:00)

    Dear Robert, I Want to show you my whole support for all you have accomplish with the donkeys. I hope your projects take shape with the help of all ! Your are amazing it was an honor for us to meet you!

  • #1

    Tom & Lyndsay (Sunday, 09 August 2015 20:00)

    Robert, all huge well done and keep up the great work, you're story is inspirational and a lot of people could learn from your ethics and resourcefulness and the way you feel and treat other animals and human being. I will be investigating some of what you need and will be in touch. Best wishes, Tom and Lyndsay